Last Saturday we were running around doing errands and while we were down in shelley we saw some puppies. Well Tyler has always said that we would never get a dog. And i told him one day i would just show up with one and he wouldn't have a choice. Guess which one of us ended up deciding to take one of the puppies home. TYLER!!!!! The kids were begging and he just gave in and picked the one he liked best. So now we have our little Star. I think she is adorable and the kids just love to play with her. The fight over who gets to feed her and i'm sure if it was warmer atleast topher would stay out all day to play with her. I've wanted a dog for our family for forever, but of course i never had to take care of a dog by myself before, my mom always did that so i'm sure it will be an eye opener eventually. Right now she never barks, she whines occasionally but doesn't make any noise through the night. Of course i already have to clean up her poop but it isn't any worse than doing a poopy diaper so i've been fine with it so far. We will see how a feel in a week or two but right now I love it!!!!!
January Journal
5 years ago
She is adorable. I got my first dog about a year and a half ago and it has been great. The puppy stage can be challenging, but as long as you are persistent about it, she can turn out great. These guys ( are great! They are monks that have been raising and training dogs for a long time! We have really loved what their book taught us.
Oh how cuuuuuute! I'm so jealous!!!
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