Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh were to begin!

Obviously i am not good at staying caught up on my blog!!! We have done so much since the last time i stopped to blog. Thing is, I don't seem to have any extra time to actually sit down and blog! I will be lucky if i get most of this one done since the kids will be home from school soon and Pearson will be up from his nap!!! Atleast we don't have a list of things to do today like we do most days.

Lets see i probably won't keep things in the right order but we will start with T.J. starting preschool!!! He loves school and wishes he could go every day. He has come up with a solution and thinks that if he can't go to his teachers house she should just come to ours. He will not let me tell him the reasons this won't work so i will let him pretend i guess! Pearson thought he should be able to go to school too and was so excited, though i'm not sure he knew why. It's a good thing he was content to stay with mom!We went up to my parents cabin for a weekend a little while ago. We played hard! Topher can now ride a motorbike all by himself. We stained one side of the cabin. We went into Yellostone Park. We even went on a hike with all of the kids. This is us at Fairy falls. Pearson and Tj didn't do to much hiking but i think they had a good time anyway! Thanks to my dad who ended up toting T.j. most of the time!!!!
Tj at one of the times he was actually walking on the hike!!
Oh we have also taken another trip to shriners to make it so T.j.'s foot doesn't move so much. It was going side way and flipping everywhere so they have added a strap to hold it on tight and now it can't move!!! That is when me and t.j. don't manage to break it off!!!!
Oh here is a picture of T.j. riding his bike without training wheels. We are so proud of him for doing it since it is alot harder for him then some of the other kids!!(Sorry about the weird line on some of the pic's something is wrong with my camera!)I have been canning like crazy and taking the kids to all of their functions! oh yeah we went to the Pocatello Pump last weekend and we camped out for a couple of nights!!! it was alot of fun! Here is a picture of me and pearson on a little hike we took. I took a ton a pic's of kids and tyler climbing but i took them with his camera and will have to wait to down load them or more correctly until Tyler downloads them onto the computer.


Tyler said...

I don't show it or tell you enough, but you are an amazing woman! Thank you for all you do and for putting up with me enough to be my wife. I love you, Jess!

Beckie said...

WKay to be an awesome mommy! You and Tyler are just the cutest Family!

Natalie said...

Jess.YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I love that last picture, btw...the braids are so cute!!! I miss you so much, you have NO idea! And I dreamed about you the other night, we were hanging out like the good old days. Sniff sniff.