Saturday, October 18, 2008


So tonight Tyler had a friend that he went to college with call and ask if we would like to go to dinner. And if you know me at all, you know i love to go out to eat so i told him that would be great!!!!!!! So i called my mom and she said she babysit, Yeah again!!!!!!! So we packed up the kids and took them over. I'm not sure Tyler was to excited because we were going to the Olive Garden and we had just been there last Saturday but he must love me because we went again. It was good but not the best going out experience. We paid waaaaaaaay to much for a slice of pie!
Anyway on with the reading story. My kids love the comics. Every sunday when we go over to either of the grandparents they beg to be read the comics. And on occasion(So almost every time) The grandparents cave and read them to them. We got a picture of this a couple of months ago when my dad was reading the paper to them.

So, right now Toph is on a kick to get ten books read to him so that he can get a personal pizza from Pizza Hut. He has been begging everyone to read to him. Every time i turn around he has a book in hand. Some of the time i stop and read others i really just can't. So when we were picking up the kids he was begging everyone to read to him. I was talking to my mom and attempting to ignore him when my dad got home. And of course Toph got grandpa to say yes. This is what it ended up looking like as Grandpa Waddoups read to them.

Aren't they all just so cute!!!! Sometimes it is so much fun to see your parents with your kids. I think that Creedance got the best seat in the house!


Rachel B said...

you're so lucky jess. Your kids are so cute! They will have such good memories of their grandparents that few children really ever get to experience. Oh and I love Cree's bangs!

Jess said...

Thanks rachel not everyone is too sure about the bangs they make her look different.

Natalie said...

ha ha ha, that's adorable! They have the best grandparents in the world!!! And mommy and daddy, too, of course! Mmmmm, I love those personal pan pizzas! It's too bad the parents don't get one too for all the reading we have to do...

Tyler said...

Creedance did a great job on Grandpa's hair. I don't like the bangs...I like the long "60's flower-child" look on her.