Sunday, October 12, 2008

Snow in October

So Yesterday things were getting pretty cold around here so we decided we better get our garden all pulled up before the ground got to frozen. So me and Tyler were out pulling corn stalks and trying to get things moved around and ready for this winter we were only out there an hour before it started to snow. It snowed on and off most of yesterday!!!!! When we woke up this morning this is what it looked like!!!
Neighbors back yard

our backyard

our front porch

So I got snow for my birthday this year!!!!! That hsan't happened since I was little. Anyway, my birthday was great on Friday night we had some friends over for dinner. Tyler got a cake and then gave me my presents. I got a new Wii and Wii fit. I'm pretty excited because we have really enjoyed playing with my little brothers. Then yesterday we got to go out for a date. My husband must really love me because he took me to see Mama Mia (which i have wanted to see for a while but i never have gotten time), then he took me to dinner at Olive Garden which he doesn't really like since the last time we went there he chipped his tooth and was not impressed. Ahhhh to be pampered every once in a while.

Well i better go help Toph get ready to play in the snow and then get all of us into our church clothes.


Tyler said...

Mama Mia is the ultimate Chick Flick...butFUNNY! And who can say no to ABBA!?

Emily said...

I can't believe the snow! Just in time for your BDay-Hooray! It sounds like you guys had fun and Tyler took good care of you! Good thing for sweet husbands!

Beckie said...

Hooray I foundyou! I love your blog- very cute!! What a good hubby taking care of you for your birthday! Happy Birthday ! October 11th? right? That is one that has stuck in my head forever!

Natalie said...

SSSSSNOW! Oh you are so lucky! I wish you could send me a snowball!! What a fun backyard, btw!