Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pearson is at it again!!!

I can't believe it Pearson has another ear infection and bronchitis this time!! I swear that baby can't stop being sick!!!! Started coughing on Thursday, got bad on Saturday. Started throwing up on Sunday. Hardly able to breathe last night. Back on Albuterol for breathing and mor antibiotic(not amoxicillian ) for the ear. I hope it goes away soon!!!!!


Beckie said...

It is a good thing you are like super mom!! GEEZ !! Poor little man--

Suzanne Earl said...

Poor Kiddo! mt heart aches for him...and you :( I hope everything clears up this time.

Kim said...

Sad! I hope he starts getting better. There's nothing worse than a sick baby :(

Natalie said...

Aww, Jess, that stinks! I hope things get better soon. :/