Monday, February 8, 2010

I am such a pathetic blogger!!! If i don't have a picture than i think i shouldn't post. Well my camera is at the dance studio and I can't find the plug that hooks it to the computer anyway so if i want to post a picture it will be an old one but i should write anyway!!!

We are having one of those days today. Pearson did not sleep last night he went between wimpering and bloody murder screaming all night. At some point during the night i decided that i was done and we were going to the doctor in the morning. He finally dozed off at about six so i jumped into bed and was think i could get a little sleep. Tyler wakes me up at 7:30 to tell me that Christopher doesn't feel good and is staying home. Today was only a half day so Creedance didn't even have school. I really wanted to redecide the whole doctor thing i didn't want to take four kids!!!! Alas, Pearson started screaming again and i decided to go.

All in all the doctor's office was quite quick Pearson has an ear infection in both ears! YUCK!!!! We also finished up the last of the infant's Tylenol last night so i needed to pick him some up on the way home. Normally we would be able to do this while picking up his prescription but if you take all four of my kids into walgreens together you can not leave whithout going insane for some reason they think walgreens is a place were they can throw things on the floor and run up and down the aisles.

So i opted for running into target!!! Found tylenol and ibprofen and was headed for the door when i noticed they had there storage bins on sale. Our basement has had falling apart boxes of toys in it for forever and i really wanted to organize so i grab four and hand them to Topher who really wanted to hold them. Well that lasted for ten seconds. so i am trying to hold the bins and push the kart and of course none of the check out lines are open so we head to customer service were my older kids(i made t.j. sit in the cart because he can't keep his shoes on that he picked today) began to play on the computers they have there. Proceed to check out but the bins are getting harder to carry. Oh i forgot to mention that i'm still in my pajamas and the kids are not dressed nice. A lady i know from the dance studio i know decides to take pitty on us and helps out to the car which i am grateful for but also verrrrrrrry embaressed!!!!!!

We did organize the basement and I found out topher wasn't really sick he just wanted to stay home because he thought his grandma was coming over to watch them and he wanted to play with her!! I have now put them all down for a nap and will attempt to take a bubble bath!!!!


Beckie said...

OOh boy oh boy! Sounds like soo much fun! HOpe tyler is ready to freez this weekend at the farm campout!

Suzanne Earl said...

Poor Pearson! I hope his ears feel better quick so you all can get some sleep! enjoy the bubble bath even if the kids say "mom- can I have a bath too" ;)

Tana said...

Yes, you need (deserve)a bubble bath!